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BEECH IS BACK - Episode 1 : Part 1

A car bomb explodes on a bridge in London. Chaos ensues and the emergency services arrive as quickly as possible. A man rings a red-headed woman on her mobile. "We're on."
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The red-head along with three men separately make their way to a Safe Deposit Centre. The man from the bridge returns to an apartment and begins to watch the centre from his window. The woman goes in first, leaving a sign on the door saying "Closed for Security Improvements." She goes in passing the guard in the foyer who doesn't even raise an eyelid. Inside the woman then passes the manager. She gets out a small pistol and he turns off the CCTV. They both go into the room containing the safe deposit boxes.
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The three other men arrive at the building, again separately, so the guard doesn't notice anything suspicious. They meet the woman and manager by the safe deposit boxes. The red-head rings the man from the explosion. It's Beech. "All there, Frankie?"
"All here." He tells her the numbers of the safes which she has keys to. Granaski, the manager, accidentally walks in front of the working camera, before quickly being pulled back. The men raid the safes as instructed, whilst Don watches on his computer to see if the guard raises any alarms. One begins slipping some small items into his jacket for himself. Frankie loses reception on her mobile.
In the foyer, the guard looks away from his computer game and spots one of the gang reaching for an object on the floor in front of the camera. He quickly raises the alarm.
"Okay Frankie, get out now. It's over." She doesn't reply, so Don redials her mobile number.
Frankie quickly tells the others to leave. "What about me?" Granaski asks. One of the gang members hits him in the face and has to be pulled off.

Frankie goes into the foyer with her gun. She instructs the guard to lie down on the floor. "Thanks a lot. Have a nice day!" she tells him on her way out.

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Beech watches as the gang go to a set of motorcycles. They remove their disguises, including Frankie's red wig, before driving off.
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At Tommy Goldman's quiet jeweller's shop, his daughter, Stella, tells him that he's got a visitor.
Frankie comes in once Stella's left, and throws some rucksacks containing the loot to the floor. "Not bad for an old Jew, a Vietnamese refugee and a dead man!" she smiles.
On her way out Frankie passes Stella and Rachel, Tommy's granddaughter. "Who's that?" Rachel asks.
"No idea," Stella replies.

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Clare's at the cemetery, laying fresh flowers on John Boulton's grave. A man interrupts her thinking. "Clare, we've got to go...Why do you do this to yourself?"
"Do what to myself?"
"He's gone. You need to let go."
"Let go? Listen, you have your wife; I have John. That is the way it is."

DCI Andy Belmarsh and DS Ray Peters have arrived at the scene of the robbery. Granaski's being taken out by the paramedics.

Beech arrives back at the apartment. He calls Frankie, who's on her way.

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"A tenner says that the bomb and this raid are connected," says DS Marsh. He explains his reasoning, it was a real bomb so it was taken serious by the local police who were too busy with that to get to the scene of the robbery, plus an old but recognised code word was used. He then spots a set of keys left on top of the safes.
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Clare makes her way through a huge house and meets her boss, Simon. "Clare, you got a minute?"
"As long as it has nothing to do with shopping." They go into a bedroom.
"Shut the door."
"You naughty boy!"
"This is serious, Clare. Our client's with the police."
"So I see. What's he done?" Simon explains that he had some confidential documents stolen in the robbery earlier, which he doesn't want the police to know about. He won't tell her what the documents are. "Can't you trust me?"
"Course I can." He kisses her, which triggers off memories of John.
On her way out she spots an ex-colleague of hers, Ray Peters, but before she has chance to stop and talk Simon leads her into a room to meet the client.
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Meanwhile Frankie and Don are celebrating. "Nice result for a corpse!" comments Don.
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