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We absolutely love Clare's sense of humour and wit, so we've put together our favourite quotes for you to read!

Thank you to Kacey who was a huge help with these.


Episode:  Millennium
Clare's being introduced to the various members of CID on her first day.

Don:  Welcome aboard, Clare. I hope you know how to juggle.
Clare:  I've been known to keep a few balls in the air!


Episode:  Crash Landing
Geoff Daly heroically rescues an old colleague from a plane crash.

Clare:  Die Hard Daly!


Episode:  Cover Stories
Clare and DCI Burnside are posing as potential buyers and looking at plans and pictures of various Spanish villas.

Burnside:  The swimming pool's not big enough.
Clare:  You could always go on a diet, Frank!


Episode:  Haunted
A woman who claims to be a psychic says that according to her tarot cards Clare is "The maiden who augers death."

Clare:  It can’t be me she sees in the cards. It’s been a long time since I was a maiden!


Episode:  All Change
The whole of CID are assigned to uniform.

Don:  What is it about a woman in uniform?
Clare:  I don't know, but it's a bloody good reason to be in CID!


Episode:  Warm Bodies Part 1
A victim of a serious assault was found in the back of an alley by a courting couple.

Duncan:  If they hadn’t had the urge, he’d probably still be lying there.
Clare:  Saved by sex, there’s a first!


Episode:  Warm Bodies Part 1
A suspect, Vince Carter, tries to intimidate Clare when she's on his case.

Carter:  Just because my old man was a villain I get tarred with the same brush...
Clare:  What do you want? Violins?


Episode:  Warm Bodies Part 2
Clare meets John when leaving St. Hughes hospital after being involved in a car crash.

John:  Just tell me what he (the doctor) said.
Clare:  No bungy-jumping for a few weeks!


Episode:  Warm Bodies Part 2
Clare upsets the girlfriend of an assualt victim.

Shell:  I thought you were okay.
Clare:  So you're a bad judge of character!


Episode:  Love And Money
CID are discussing John Boulton's love life.

Tom:  Do you reckon it’s someone from work?
Don:  Could be Vicky Hagen. She goes for bastards, what d'you say Claire?
Clare:  What makes you so sure it’s a woman?


Episode:  Love And Money
Clare stays at work late.

Chris:  I hope you’re not booking overtime for that.
Clare:  No guv, I’m doing it for the Queen.
Chris:  Good girl, she’ll appreciate that!


Episode:  Touch And Go
In an interview with a suspect Don Beech set up, Warren Askew.

Askew:  This is a fit-up!
Clare:  Yeah, yeah. That's what they all say!


Episode:  Fake Fur
John & Clare find a fur coat among a lap-dancer's belongings.

John:  I wouldn't have thought mink was your style.
Clare:  Oh yeah, I can't resist a dead animal!


Episode:  Fake Fur
John decides to pick the lock of a suitcase.

Clare:  Hey, Johnny Pick-lock Boulton!


Episode:  Fake Fur
After Clare recognises the hand-writing of a murder victim.

John:  You're just showing off now.
Clare:  Hey, babe, you've either got it or you haven't!


Episode:  Fake Fur
John sums why he and Clare disagree on methods of investigation.

John to Clare:  That's the difference between you and me: you're calculated, I'm just the straight-forward impetuous type!


Episode:  Fake Fur
Clare disagrees with John after they questioned a shop owner with a posh accent.

Clare:  You could have blown the whole thing just because his posh voice got up your scousy nose!


Episode:  Find The Lady
John gets back from his obbo and meets Clare by the coffee machine.

Clare:  How was the obbo?
John:  Terrible, I ended up spending the night with Duncan Lennox when I should have been spending it with you!
Clare:  Was he good?


Episode:  Fifty-Fifty
In an interview with a female DCI from AMIP, Clare denies that there was anything going on between John and her.

Clare:  If the female officers had the love lives attributed to them in the locker-room we'd all be in the Guiness Book of Records.


Episode:  The River
After Don Beech agrees to grass up corrupt officers in the Drugs Squad.

Clare:  Has he said anymore about Area Drugs?
Superintendent Hodges:  Just try shutting him up.
Clare:  Don't tempt me!


Episode:  The River
A DC in CIB comments that the place where Beech is meeting two corrupt officers looks like a toilet.

Clare:  Don should fit right in.
